이미지 편집 수정중
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
// $Date: 2009-11-16 18:13:48 +0200 $
"errorInitBufferCanvas": "Error: adding the new buffer canvas element failed.",
"errorInitContext": "Error while initializing the canvas context.",
"errorElementNotFound": "Error: the following element was not found: {id}.",
"noComputedStyle": "Error: window.getComputedStyle is not available.",
"noXMLHttpRequest": "Error: window.XMLHttpRequest is not available.",
"errorInitCanvas": "Error: Canvas initialization failed.",
"noCanvasSupport": "Error: Your browser does not support Canvas.",
"failedConfigLoad": "Error: Failed loading the configuration.",
"failedLangLoad": "Error: Failed loading the language file.",
"failedMarkupLoad": "Error: Failed loading the interface markup file.",
"errorInitCommands": "Error: failed to initialize the PaintWeb commands!",
"noToolConfigured": "Error: you have no drawing tool configured to load!",
"imageLoadDifferentHost": "Warning: the configured image cannot be loaded because it is from a different domain.",
"toolRegisterFailed": "Error: failed to register tool '{id}'!",
"extensionRegisterFailed": "Error: failed to register extension '{id}'!",
"errorToolActivate": "Error: the tool you want could not be properly activated!",
"errorInitGUI": "Error: the interface failed to initialize!",
"failedSelectionCopy": "Error: failed to copy the selected pixels into memory.",
"noMainTabPanel": "Error: the interface layout has no tabbed panel with ID = main.",
"guiMarkupImportFailed": "Error: the interface markup code could not be imported into the main document.",
"guiMarkupParseFailed": "Error: the interface markup code could not be properly parsed.",
"missingViewport": "Error: the interface markup does not have the image viewport element.",
"missingViewportResizer": "Error: the interface markup does not have the image viewport resize handle.",
"missingCanvasResizer": "Error: the interface markup does not have the Canvas resize handle.",
"missingCanvasContainer": "Error: the interface markup does not have the Canvas container.",
"errorCpickerUnsupported": "Error: your browser does not implement the get/putImageData methods! The color picker tool cannot be used.",
"errorCbucketUnsupported": "Error: your browser does not implement the get/putImageData methods! The color bucket tool cannot be used.",
"errorClipboardUnsupported": "Error: your browser does not support get/putImageData! Clipboard operations like cut/copy/paste cannot be used.",
"errorTextUnsupported": "Error: your browser does not implement the Canvas Text API! The text tool cannot be used.",
"errorInsertimg": "The image could not be inserted. Maybe the address does not point to an image.",
"errorInsertimgHost": "The URL you provided points to a different host. The image cannot be added for security reasons.",
"errorInsertimgNotLoaded": "The image did not load yet, or the URL you provided does not point to an image.",
"promptInsertimg": "Type the address of the image you want to insert:",
"promptImageDimensions": "Please input the new image dimensions you want.",
"promptTextFont": "Type the name of the font you want:",
"errorImageSave": "The image cannot be saved!",
"guiCanvasResizer": "Resize the image canvas.",
"guiViewportResizer": "Resize the image viewport.",
"imageZoomTitle": "Zoom image (Use Up/Down Arrow key)",
"imageZoomLabel": "Zoom:",
"tabs": {
"main": {
"bcurve": "Bézier curve",
"ellipse": "Ellipse",
"eraser": "Eraser",
"line": "Line",
"main": "Main",
"pencil": "Pencil",
"polygon": "Polygon",
"rectangle": "Rectangle",
"selection": "Selection",
"shadow": "Shadow",
"text": "Text",
"textBorder": "Border"
"colormixer_inputs": {
"rgb": "RGB",
"rgbTitle": "sRGB: Standard Red, Green and Blue",
"hsv": "HSV",
"hsvTitle": "Hue, Saturation and Value",
"lab": "Lab",
"labTitle": "CIE Lab: Standard observer 2° D65",
"cmyk": "CMYK",
"cmykTitle": "Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black)"
"colormixer_selector": {
"mixer": "Mixer",
"mixerTitle": "Color space visualisation",
"cpalettes": "Palettes",
"cpalettesTitle": "Predefined color palettes"
"floatingPanelMinimize": "Minimize",
"floatingPanelRestore": "Restore",
"floatingPanelClose": "Close",
"floatingPanels": {
"about": "About PaintWeb",
"colormixer": "Color mixer"
"tools": {
"cbucket": "Color bucket",
"cpicker": "Color picker",
"bcurve": "Bézier curve",
"hand": "Viewport drag",
"ellipse": "Ellipse",
"eraser": "Eraser",
"insertimg": "Insert image",
"line": "Line",
"pencil": "Pencil",
"polygon": "Polygon",
"rectangle": "Rectangle",
"selection": "Rectangle selection",
"text": "Text",
"textUnsupported": "The text tool is not supported by your browser."
"commands": {
"about": "About PaintWeb",
"clipboardPaste": "Paste clipboard",
"historyRedo": "Redo",
"historyUndo": "Undo",
"imageClear": "Clear image",
"imageSave": "Save image",
"imageRotate": "Rotate image",
"imageBright": "brighten image",
"imageDark": "darken image",
"selectionCopy": "Copy selection",
"selectionCrop": "Crop selection",
"selectionCut": "Cut selection",
"selectionDelete": "Delete selection",
"selectionFill": "Fill the selection"
"inputs": {
"line": {
"lineCap": "Line cap",
"lineCap_butt": "Butt",
"lineCap_round": "Round",
"lineCap_square": "Square",
"lineJoin": "Line join",
"lineJoin_bevel": "Bevel",
"lineJoin_miter": "Miter",
"lineJoin_round": "Round",
"lineWidth": "Line width:",
"miterLimit": "Miter limit:"
"shadow": {
"enable": "Enable shadows",
"enableTitle": "If checked, a shadow will render after each drawing operation you do.",
"shadowBlur": "Blur:",
"shadowOffsetX": "Distance X:",
"shadowOffsetY": "Distance Y:",
"shadowColor": "Color: ",
"shadowColorTitle": "Shadow color"
"selection": {
"transform": "Image manipulation",
"transformTitle": "If checked, the selected pixels will also be dragged/resized when you make changes to the selection. If unchecked, only the selection marquee will be dragged/resized - pixels will remain unaffected by any such changes.",
"transparent": "Transparent selection",
"transparentTitle": "If checked, the background will remain transparent. If unchecked, the background will be filled with the current fill color."
"text": {
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"fontFamily": "Font family:",
"fontFamily_add": "Another font...",
"fontSize": "Font size:",
"textAlign": "Text alignment",
"left": "Left",
"center": "Center",
"right": "Right",
"textString_value": "Hello world!"
"shapeType": "Shape type",
"shapeType_both": "Both",
"shapeType_fill": "Fill",
"shapeType_stroke": "Stroke",
"pencilSize": "Pencil size:",
"eraserSize": "Eraser size:",
"borderWidth": "Border width:",
"fillStyle": "Fill ",
"fillStyleTitle": "Fill color",
"strokeStyle": "Stroke ",
"strokeStyleTitle": "Stroke color",
"colorInputAnchorContent": "Click to pick color"
"colormixer": {
"failedColorPaletteLoad": "Error: failed to load the color palette.",
"colorPalettes": {
"_saved": "Saved colors",
"anpa": "ANPA",
"dic": "DIC Color Guide",
"macos": "Mac OS",
"pantone-solid-coated": "PANTONE solid coated",
"toyo94": "TOYO 94 color finder",
"trumatch": "TRUMATCH colors",
"web": "Web safe",
"windows": "Windows"
"inputs": {
"hex": "Hex",
"alpha": "Alpha",
"hsv_hue": "Hue",
"hsv_sat": "Saturation",
"hsv_val": "Value",
"rgb_red": "Red",
"rgb_green": "Green",
"rgb_blue": "Blue",
"lab_cie_l": "Lightness",
"lab_cie_a": "a*",
"lab_cie_b": "b*",
"cmyk_cyan": "Cyan",
"cmyk_magenta": "Magenta",
"cmyk_yellow": "Yellow",
"cmyk_black": "Key / Black"
"buttons": {
"accept": "Accept",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"saveColor": "Save color",
"pickColor": "Pick color"
"status": {
"cbucketActive": "Click to start flood filling with the current fill color. Right click to use the stroke color for filling.",
"cpickerNormal": "Click to change the fill color, or Shift+Click to change the stroke color.",
"cpicker_fillStyle": "Click to pick the fill color.",
"cpicker_strokeStyle": "Click to pick the stroke color.",
"cpicker_shadow_shadowColor": "Click to pick the shadow color.",
"bcurveActive": "Click to start drawing the curve. You need four points: start, end and two control points.",
"bcurveControlPoint1": "Click to draw the first control point.",
"bcurveControlPoint2": "Click to draw the second control point. This will also end the drawing operation.",
"bcurveSnapping": "Hold the Shift key down for vertical/horizontal snapping.",
"handActive": "Click and drag the image to scroll.",
"ellipseActive": "Click and drag to draw an ellipse.",
"ellipseMousedown": "Hold the Shift key down to draw a circle.",
"eraserActive": "Click and drag to erase.",
"insertimgActive": "Waiting for the image to load...",
"insertimgLoaded": "Pick where you want to place the image. Click and drag to resize the image.",
"insertimgResize": "Hold the Shift key down to preserve the aspect ratio.",
"lineActive": "Click anywhere to start drawing a line.",
"lineMousedown": "Hold the Shift key down for vertical/horizontal snapping.",
"pencilActive": "Click and drag to draw.",
"polygonActive": "Click anywhere to start drawing a polygon.",
"polygonAddPoint": "Click to add another point to the polygon.",
"polygonEnd": "To end drawing the polygon simply click in the same place as the last point.",
"polygonMousedown": "Hold the Shift key down for vertical/horizontal snapping.",
"rectangleActive": "Click and drag to draw a rectangle.",
"rectangleMousedown": "Hold the Shift key down to draw a square.",
"selectionActive": "Click and drag to draw a selection.",
"selectionAvailable": "Drag or resize the selection. Hold the Control key down to toggle the transformation mode.",
"selectionDrag": "Hold the Shift key down for vertical/horizontal snapping.",
"selectionDraw": "Hold the Shift key down to draw a square selection.",
"selectionResize": "Hold the Shift key down to preserve the aspect ratio.",
"textActive": "Pick where you want to place the text. Make sure you adjust the properties as desired.",
"guiCanvasResizerActive": "Move the mouse to resize the image canvas."
// Moodle-related language strings
"moodle": {
"xhrRequestFailed": "The image save request failed.",
"jsonParseFailed": "Parsing the JSON result from the server failed!",
"imageSaveFailed": "The image save operation failed.",
"urlMismatch": "Image address mismatch!\nThe current image is {url}.\nThe server replied a successful save for {urlServer}.",
"errorSubmitUnsaved": "This image is not saved!"
"moodleServer": {
"permissionDenied": "Permission denied.",
"saveEmptyDataUrl": "Your request has no data URL.",
"proxyNotFound": "Could not find the PaintWeb image file proxy script.",
"malformedDataUrl": "The data URL is malformed.",
"failedMkdir": "Failed to create the PaintWeb images folder inside the Moodle data folder.",
"saveFailed": "Saving the image failed.",
"backingupImages": "Backing-up images saved with PaintWeb...",
"backupFailed": "An error occurred while copying images saved by PaintWeb."
// vim:set spell spl=en fo=wan1croql tw=80 ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 sta et ai cin fenc=utf-8 ff=unix ft=javascript:
Reference in New Issue