@ -46,68 +46,5 @@ let config = {
enableMenuLocalStorage: true // Enable menu state with local storage support
let assetsPath = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-assets-path'),
templateName = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-template'),
rtlSupport = true; // set true for rtl support (rtl + ltr), false for ltr only.
* TemplateCustomizer
* ! You must use(include) template-customizer.js to use TemplateCustomizer settings
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To use more themes, just push it to THEMES object.
/* TemplateCustomizer.THEMES.push({
name: 'theme-raspberry',
title: 'Raspberry'
}); */
// To add more languages, just push it to LANGUAGES object.
TemplateCustomizer.LANGUAGES.fr = { ... };
* TemplateCustomizer settings
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* cssPath: Core CSS file path
* themesPath: Theme CSS file path
* displayCustomizer: true(Show customizer), false(Hide customizer)
* lang: To set default language, Add more langues and set default. Fallback language is 'en'
* controls: [ 'rtl','style','layoutType','showDropdownOnHover','layoutNavbarFixed','layoutFooterFixed','themes'] | Show/Hide customizer controls
* defaultTheme: 0(Default), 1(Semi Dark), 2(Bordered)
* defaultStyle: 'light', 'dark' (Mode)
* defaultTextDir: 'ltr', 'rtl' (rtlSupport must be true for rtl mode)
* defaultLayoutType: 'static', 'fixed'
* defaultMenuCollapsed: true, false
* defaultNavbarFixed: true, false
* defaultFooterFixed: true, false
* defaultShowDropdownOnHover : true, false (for horizontal layout only)
if (typeof TemplateCustomizer !== 'undefined') {
window.templateCustomizer = new TemplateCustomizer({
cssPath: assetsPath + 'vendor/css' + (rtlSupport ? '/rtl' : '') + '/',
themesPath: assetsPath + 'vendor/css' + (rtlSupport ? '/rtl' : '') + '/',
displayCustomizer: true,
// lang: 'fr',
// defaultTheme: 2,
// defaultStyle: 'light',
// defaultTextDir: 'ltr',
// defaultLayoutType: 'fixed',
// defaultMenuCollapsed: true,
// defaultNavbarFixed: true,
// defaultFooterFixed: false
defaultShowDropdownOnHover: true
// controls: [
// 'rtl',
// 'style',
// 'layoutType',
// 'showDropdownOnHover',
// 'layoutNavbarFixed',
// 'layoutFooterFixed',
// 'themes'
// ],