@ -77,87 +77,98 @@
<select id="selectCrdnReRegList" parameterType="map" resultType="dataobject">/* 단속 재등록 목록 조회(crdnReRegMapper.selectCrdnReRegList) */
<select id="selectCrdnReRegList" parameterType="map" resultType="dataobject">/* 단속 재등록 목록 조회(crdnReRegMapper.selectCrdnReRegList) */
<include refid="utility.paging-prefix" />
<include refid="utility.paging-prefix" />
<include refid="select" />
<include refid="select" />
WHERE CRR.CRDN_REG_SE_CD = '03' <!-- 단속 등록 구분 코드 - FIM026 -->
<if test="schReRegYmdFrom != null">
AND CRR.CRDN_REG_SE_CD = '03' <!-- 단속 등록 구분 코드 - FIM026 -->
<if test="schReRegYmdFrom != null">
AND CRR.RE_REG_YMD <![CDATA[>=]]> #{schReRegYmdFrom} <!-- 재등록 일자 시작 -->
AND CRR.RE_REG_YMD <![CDATA[>=]]> #{schReRegYmdFrom} <!-- 재등록 일자 시작 -->
<if test="schReRegYmdTo != null">
<if test="schReRegYmdTo != null">
AND CRR.RE_REG_YMD <![CDATA[<=]]> #{schReRegYmdTo} <!-- 재등록 일자 종료 -->
AND CRR.RE_REG_YMD <![CDATA[<=]]> #{schReRegYmdTo} <!-- 재등록 일자 종료 -->
<if test="delYn != null">
<if test="delYn != null">
AND CRR.DEL_YN = #{delYn} <!-- 삭제 여부 -->
AND CRR.DEL_YN = #{delYn} <!-- 삭제 여부 -->
<if test="schCrdnYmdFrom != null">
<if test="schCrdnYmdFrom != null">
AND C.CRDN_YMD <![CDATA[>=]]> #{schCrdnYmdFrom} <!-- 단속 일자 시작 -->
AND C.CRDN_YMD <![CDATA[>=]]> #{schCrdnYmdFrom} <!-- 단속 일자 시작 -->
<if test="schCrdnYmdTo != null">
<if test="schCrdnYmdTo != null">
AND C.CRDN_YMD <![CDATA[<=]]> #{schCrdnYmdTo} <!-- 단속 일자 종료 -->
AND C.CRDN_YMD <![CDATA[<=]]> #{schCrdnYmdTo} <!-- 단속 일자 종료 -->
<if test = "schVhrno != null">
<if test = "schVhrno != null">
AND C.VHRNO = #{schVhrno} <!-- 차량번호 -->
AND C.VHRNO = #{schVhrno} <!-- 차량번호 -->
<if test="sggCd != null">
<if test="schRtpyrNo != null">
AND C.SGG_CD = #{sggCd} <!-- 시군구 코드 -->
AND P.RTPYR_NO = #{schRtpyrNo} <!-- 납부자 번호 -->
<if test="taskSeCd != null">
<if test="schRtpyrNm != null">
AND C.TASK_SE_CD = #{taskSeCd} <!-- 업무 구분 코드 -->
AND P.RTPYR_NM = #{schRtpyrNm} <!-- 납부자 명 -->
<when test="schRegDateOpt == 'regDt'">
<when test="schRegDateOpt == 'regDt'">
<if test="schRegDateFrom != null">
<if test="schRegDateFrom != null">
AND CRR.REG_DT <![CDATA[>=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateFrom},'000000') <!-- 등록 일자 시작 -->
AND CRR.REG_DT <![CDATA[>=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateFrom},'000000') <!-- 등록 일자 시작 -->
<if test="schRegDateTo != null">
<if test="schRegDateTo != null">
AND CRR.REG_DT <![CDATA[<=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateTo},'235959') <!-- 등록 일자 종료 -->
AND CRR.REG_DT <![CDATA[<=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateTo},'235959') <!-- 등록 일자 종료 -->
<when test="schRegDateOpt == 'mdfcnDt'">
<when test="schRegDateOpt == 'mdfcnDt'">
<if test="schRegDateFrom != null">
<if test="schRegDateFrom != null">
AND CRR.MDFCN_DT <![CDATA[>=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateFrom},'000000') <!-- 수정 일자 시작 -->
AND CRR.MDFCN_DT <![CDATA[>=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateFrom},'000000') <!-- 수정 일자 시작 -->
<if test="schRegDateTo != null">
<if test="schRegDateTo != null">
AND CRR.MDFCN_DT <![CDATA[<=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateTo},'235959') <!-- 수정 일자 종료 -->
AND CRR.MDFCN_DT <![CDATA[<=]]> CONCAT(#{schRegDateTo},'235959') <!-- 수정 일자 종료 -->
<when test="schRgtrOpt == 'rgtr'">
<if test="schRgtrCd != null">
AND CRR.RGTR = #{schRgtrCd} <!-- 등록자 코드 -->
<when test="schRgtrOpt == 'mdfr'">
<if test="schRgtrCd != null">
AND CRR.MDFR = #{schRgtrCd} <!-- 수정자 코드 -->
<if test="by != null and by != '' and term != null">
<when test="mainOption == 'codeValue' or mainOption == 'match' or mainOption == 'ymd'">
<when test="schRgtrOpt == 'rgtr'">
<include refid="dynamicSearch.start" />
<if test="schRgtrCd != null">
AND CRR.RGTR = #{schRgtrCd} <!-- 등록자 코드 -->
<when test="by == 'reRegYmd'"> CRR.RE_REG_YMD </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnRegSeCd'"> CRR.CRDN_REG_SE_CD </when>
<when test="by == 'etcCn'"> CRR.ETC_CN </when>
<when test="schRgtrOpt == 'mdfr'">
<when test="by == 'crdnYmd'"> C.CRDN_YMD </when>
<if test="schRgtrCd != null">
<when test="by == 'vhrno'"> C.VHRNO </when>
AND CRR.MDFR = #{schRgtrCd} <!-- 수정자 코드 -->
<when test="by == 'crdnStdgNm'"> C.CRDN_STDG_NM </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnPlc'"> C.CRDN_PLC </when>
<when test="by == 'vltnArtcl'"> V.VLTN_ARTCL </when>
<when test="by == 'ffnlgCrdnAmt'"> C.FFNLG_CRDN_AMT </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnSttsCd'"> C.CRDN_STTS_CD </when>
<include refid="dynamicSearch.center" />#{term}<include refid="dynamicSearch.end" />
<if test="by != null and by != '' and term != null">
<when test="mainOption == 'codeValue' or mainOption == 'match' or mainOption == 'ymd'">
<include refid="dynamicSearch.start" />
<when test="by == 'reRegYmd'"> CRR.RE_REG_YMD </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnRegSeCd'"> CRR.CRDN_REG_SE_CD </when>
<when test="by == 'etcCn'"> CRR.ETC_CN </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnYmd'"> C.CRDN_YMD </when>
<when test="by == 'vhrno'"> C.VHRNO </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnStdgNm'"> C.CRDN_STDG_NM </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnPlc'"> C.CRDN_PLC </when>
<when test="by == 'ffnlgCrdnAmt'"> C.FFNLG_CRDN_AMT </when>
<when test="by == 'crdnSttsCd'"> C.CRDN_STTS_CD </when>
<when test="by == 'rtpyrSeCd'"> P.RTPYR_SE_CD </when>
<when test="by == 'rtpyrNo'"> P.RTPYR_NO </when>
<when test="by == 'rtpyrNm'"> P.RTPYR_NM </when>
<when test="by == 'zip'"> PA.ZIP </when>
<when test="by == 'addr'"> PA.ADDR </when>
<when test="by == 'dtlAddr'"> PA.DTL_ADDR </when>
<when test="by == 'vltnArtcl'"> V.VLTN_ARTCL </when>
<include refid="dynamicSearch.center" />#{term}<include refid="dynamicSearch.end" />
AND C.SGG_CD = #{sggCd} <!-- 시군구 코드 -->
AND C.TASK_SE_CD = #{taskSeCd} <!-- 업무 구분 코드 -->
AND C.DEL_YN = 'N' <!-- 단속 삭제 여부 -->
<include refid="utility.orderBy" />
<include refid="utility.orderBy" />
<include refid="utility.paging-suffix" />
<include refid="utility.paging-suffix" />
@ -166,18 +177,19 @@
<include refid="select" />
<include refid="select" />
<if test="reRegIds != null">
<if test="reRegIds != null">
AND CRR.RE_REG_ID IN ( <!-- 재등록 Ids -->
AND CRR.RE_REG_ID IN ( <!-- 재등록 Ids -->
<foreach collection="reRegIds" item="reRegId" separator=","> #{reRegId} </foreach>
<foreach collection="reRegIds" item="reRegId" separator=","> #{reRegId} </foreach>
<if test="reRegId != null">
<if test="reRegId != null">
AND CRR.RE_REG_ID = #{reRegId} <!-- 재등록 ID -->
AND CRR.RE_REG_ID= #{reRegId} <!-- 재등록 ID -->
<if test="delYn != null">
<if test="delYn != null">
AND CRR.DEL_YN = #{delYn} <!-- 삭제 여부 -->
AND CRR.DEL_YN = #{delYn} <!-- 삭제 여부 -->
<if test="crdnId != null">
<if test="crdnId != null">
AND C.CRDN_ID = #{crdnId} <!-- 단속 ID -->
AND C.CRDN_ID = #{crdnId} <!-- 단속 ID -->
AND C.DEL_YN = #{delYn} <!-- 삭제 여부 -->
<include refid="utility.orderBy" />
<include refid="utility.orderBy" />