You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

124 lines
3.4 KiB

insert into tb_ens_mobile_page_manage
select concat('KKO', send_detail_id)
, details
, regist_dt
, 'system'
from ens_snd_dtl_mbl_page;
insert into tb_ens_unity_sndng_mastr
select (select c.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id from ens_snd_dtl_kko_md b inner join tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail c on b.prop_external_document_uuid=c.external_document_uuid where a.send_mast_id = b.send_mast_id limit 1)
, '51110'
, '11'
, tmplt_cd
, 'ENS'
, send_cnt
, 'send_ok' -- stat_cd
, date_format(send_dt, '%Y%m%d%H%i%S')
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, '1'
, date_format(close_dt, '%Y%m%d%H%i%S')
, ''
, ''
, regist_dt
, 'system'
, last_updt_dt
, 'system'
from ens_snd_mast a
where stat_cd IN ('open', 'sendcmplt');
insert into tb_ens_unity_sndng_detail
select (select b.elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail_id from tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail b where a.prop_external_document_uuid=b.external_document_uuid)
, (select c.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id from ens_snd_dtl_kko_md b inner join tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail c on b.prop_external_document_uuid=c.external_document_uuid where a.send_mast_id = b.send_mast_id limit 1)
, '51110'
, '11'
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, ''
, (select mobile_page_cn from tb_ens_mobile_page_manage b where b.sndng_detail_id=concat('KKO', a.send_detail_id))
, ''
, prop_external_document_uuid
, regist_dt
, 'system'
, last_updt_dt
, 'system'
from ens_snd_dtl_kko_md a
where send_mast_id in (select send_mast_id from ens_snd_mast where stat_cd IN ('open', 'sendcmplt'));
insert into tb_ens_sndng_mastr
select concat('KKO', send_mast_id)
, (select c.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id from ens_snd_dtl_kko_md b inner join tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail c on b.prop_external_document_uuid=c.external_document_uuid where a.send_mast_id = b.send_mast_id limit 1)
, '51110'
, '11'
, tmplt_cd
, 'ENS'
, send_cnt
, '1'
, '1'
, 'send_ok' -- stat_cd
, date_format(send_dt, '%Y%m%d%H%i%S')
, date_format(close_dt, '%Y%m%d%H%i%S')
, ''
, ''
, ''
, null
, ''
, regist_dt
, 'system'
, last_updt_dt
, 'system'
from ens_snd_mast a
where stat_cd IN ('open', 'sendcmplt');
insert into tb_ens_kakao_my_doc
select concat('KKO', send_detail_id)
, (select b.elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail_id from tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail b where a.prop_external_document_uuid=b.external_document_uuid)
, concat('KKO', send_mast_id)
, '51110'
, '11'
, title
, hash
, common_categories
, read_expiread_at
, recv_ci
, ''
, ''
, ''
, recv_is_require_vfy_name
, prop_link
, prop_payload
, prop_message
, prop_cs_number
, prop_cs_name
, prop_external_document_uuid
, document_binder_uuid
, error_code
, error_message
, kko_doc_stat
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_sent_dt)
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_received_dt)
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_auth_frst_dt)
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_token_vrfy_frst_dt)
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_read_frst_dt)
, unix_timestamp(kko_doc_user_notied_dt)
, regist_dt
, 'system'
, last_updt_dt
, 'system'
from ens_snd_dtl_kko_md a
where send_mast_id in (select send_mast_id from ens_snd_mast where stat_cd IN ('open', 'sendcmplt'));