@ -1155,34 +1155,29 @@
, tcsm.sndng_co
, tcsm.sndng_dt
, tcsm.clos_dt
, tcsd.elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail_id AS unitySndngDetailId
, tcsd.main_code
, tcsd.vhcle_no
, tcsd.nm
, tcsd.ffnlg_code AS ffnlg_code_de
, tcsd.signgu_code AS signgu_code_de
, ECL_DECRYPT(tcsd.ihidnum) AS ihidnum
, tcsd.moblphon_no
, tcsd.ihidnum AS encIhidnum
, tcsd.mobile_page_cn
, tcsd.adres
, tcsd.detail_adres
, tcsd.zip
, tetm.try1
, tetm.try2
, tetm.try3
, 1 AS try_seq
, tec.ci
, tcsd.unity_sndng_detail_id
FROM tb_cntc_sndng_mastr tcsm
JOIN tb_cntc_sndng_detail tcsd
ON tcsm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = tcsd.unity_sndng_mastr_id
FROM tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng tcsm
JOIN tb_elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail tcsd
ON tcsm.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id = tcsd.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id
LEFT JOIN tb_ens_ci tec
ON tcsd.unity_sndng_detail_id = tec.unity_sndng_detail_id
LEFT JOIN tb_ens_tmplat_manage tetm
ON tcsm.tmplat_id = tetm.tmplat_id
LEFT JOIN tb_ens_rlaybsnm_manage term
ON tcsd.elctrn_ntic_sndng_detail_id = tec.unity_sndng_detail_id
JOIN tb_ens_tmplat_manage tetm
ON tcsm.nht_tmplat_id = tetm.tmplat_id
JOIN tb_ens_rlaybsnm_manage term
ON (tcsm.signgu_code = term.signgu_code
AND tcsm.ffnlg_code = term.ffnlg_code)
WHERE tcsm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = #{unitySndngMastrId}
AND tcsm.ffnlg_code = term.ffnlg_code)
WHERE tcsm.elctrn_ntic_sndng_id = #{unitySndngMastrId}
AND tcsm.sndng_process_sttus = #{sndngProcessSttus}