@ -1015,38 +1015,51 @@
<select id="selectStatusBulkTgts" resultType="kr.xit.biz.ens.model.cmm.SndngMssageParam">
<select id="selectStatusBulkTgts" resultType="kr.xit.biz.ens.model.cmm.SndngMssageParam">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|selectStatusBulkTgts-상태 요청 대상 조회|julim */
/** ens-mysql-mapper|selectStatusBulkTgts-상태 요청 대상 조회|julim */
SELECT tesm.sndng_mastr_id
SELECT tesm.sndng_mastr_id
, tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id
, tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id
, tesm.tmplat_id
, tesm.tmplat_id
, tesm.sndng_co
, tesm.sndng_co
, tesm.try_seq
, tesm.try_seq
, tesm.sndng_process_sttus
, tesm.sndng_process_sttus
, teusm.try1
, teusm.try1
, teusm.try2
, teusm.try2
, teusm.try3
, teusm.try3
, teusm.try_cnt
, teusm.try_cnt
FROM tb_ens_sndng_mastr tesm
FROM tb_ens_sndng_mastr tesm
JOIN tb_ens_unity_sndng_mastr teusm
JOIN tb_ens_unity_sndng_mastr teusm
ON tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = teusm.unity_sndng_mastr_id
ON tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = teusm.unity_sndng_mastr_id
WHERE tesm.sndng_process_sttus IN ('send-ok', 'sending1', 'sending2')
WHERE tesm.sndng_process_sttus IN ('send-ok', 'sending1', 'sending2')
AND tesm.signgu_code = #{signguCode}
AND tesm.signgu_code = #{signguCode}
AND tesm.ffnlg_code = #{ffnlgCode}
AND tesm.ffnlg_code = #{ffnlgCode}
<select id="selectKakaoStatusTgts" resultType="string">
<select id="selectKakaopayStatusTgts" resultType="string">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|selectKakaoStatusTgts-카카오 문서 상태 조회 대상 목록 조회|julim */
/** ens-mysql-mapper|selectKakaopayStatusTgts-카카오페이 문서 상태 조회 대상 목록 조회|julim */
SELECT document_binder_uuid
SELECT tekmd.document_binder_uuid
FROM tb_ens_sndng_mastr tesm
FROM tb_ens_sndng_mastr tesm
JOIN tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
JOIN tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
ON tesm.sndng_mastr_id = tekmd.sndng_mastr_id
ON tesm.sndng_mastr_id = tekmd.sndng_mastr_id
WHERE tesm.sndng_process_sttus IN ('send-ok', 'sending1', 'sending2')
WHERE tesm.sndng_process_sttus IN ('send-ok', 'sending1', 'sending2')
AND tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = #{unitySndngMastrId}
AND tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = #{unitySndngMastrId}
AND IFNULL(tekmd.document_binder_uuid, '') != ''
AND IFNULL(tekmd.document_binder_uuid, '') != ''
AND tesm.signgu_code = #{signguCode}
AND tesm.signgu_code = #{signguCode}
AND tesm.ffnlg_code = #{ffnlgCode}
AND tesm.ffnlg_code = #{ffnlgCode}
<update id="updateKakaoStatusInfo">
<select id="selectKakaotalkStatusTgts" resultType="string">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateKakaoStatusInfo-카카오 문서 상태 조회 결과 반영|julim */
/** ens-mysql-mapper|selectKakaotalkStatusTgts-카카오톡 전자고지 상태 조회 대상 목록 조회|julim */
SELECT tekd.envelope_id
FROM tb_ens_sndng_mastr tesm
JOIN tb_ens_kakao_d10 tekd
ON tesm.sndng_mastr_id = tekd.sndng_mastr_id
WHERE tesm.sndng_process_sttus IN ('send-ok', 'sending1', 'sending2')
AND tesm.unity_sndng_mastr_id = #{unitySndngMastrId}
AND IFNULL(tekd.envelope_id, '') != ''
AND tesm.signgu_code = #{signguCode}
AND tesm.ffnlg_code = #{ffnlgCode}
<update id="updateKakaopayStatusInfo">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateKakaopayStatusInfo-카카오페이 문서 상태 조회 결과 반영|julim */
UPDATE tb_ens_kakao_my_doc
UPDATE tb_ens_kakao_my_doc
SET doc_box_status = #{status_data.doc_box_status} /* 진행상태 */
SET doc_box_status = #{status_data.doc_box_status} /* 진행상태 */
, doc_box_sent_at = #{status_data.doc_box_sent_at} /* 송신시간 */
, doc_box_sent_at = #{status_data.doc_box_sent_at} /* 송신시간 */
@ -1060,10 +1073,31 @@
, updt_dt = now()
, updt_dt = now()
, updusr = 'batch'
, updusr = 'batch'
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekmd.unity_sndng_detail_id
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekmd.unity_sndng_detail_id
FROM tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
FROM tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
WHERE tekmd.document_binder_uuid = #{document_binder_uuid})
WHERE tekmd.document_binder_uuid = #{document_binder_uuid})
<update id="updateKakaotalkStatusInfo">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateKakaotalkStatusInfo-카카오톡 문서 상태 조회 결과 반영|jhseo */
UPDATE tb_ens_kakao_d10
SET status = #{status} /* 진행상태 */
, sent_at = #{sentAt} /* 문서 송신 일시 */
, received_at = #{receivedAt} /* 문서 수신 일시 */
, read_at = #{readAt} /* 문서 열람 일시 */
, read_expires_at = #{readExpiredAt} /* 문서 열람 만료 일시 */
, authenticated_at = #{authenticatedAt} /* 문서 열람 인증 일시 */
, ott_verified_at = #{ottVerifiedAt} /* 토큰 검증 일시 */
, is_notification_unavailable = #{isNotificationUnavailable} /* 사용자의 알림톡 수신 가능 여부 */
, user_notified_at = #{userNotifiedAt} /* 사용자의 알림톡 수신 일시 */
, distribution_received_at = #{distributionReceivedAt} /* 유통정보의 수신 시각 */
, error_code = #{errorCode} /* 에러 코드 */
, error_message = #{errorMessage} /* 에러 메시지 */
, updt_dt = now()
, updusr = 'batch'
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekmd.unity_sndng_detail_id
FROM tb_ens_kakao_d10 tekmd
WHERE tekmd.envelope_id = #{envelopeId})
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
<!-- ================================ status ============================================= -->
<!-- ================================ status ============================================= -->
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
@ -1102,19 +1136,34 @@
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = #{unitySndngDetailId}
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = #{unitySndngDetailId}
<update id="updateCntcSndngResultByKkoMyDoc">
<update id="updateCntcSndngResultByKkopay">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateCntcSndngResult-연계발송결과반영|julim */
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateCntcSndngResultByKkopay-카카오페이 연계발송결과반영|julim */
UPDATE tb_cntc_sndng_result
UPDATE tb_cntc_sndng_result
SET sndng_result_sttus = #{sndngResultSttus}
SET sndng_result_sttus = #{sndngResultSttus}
, requst_dt = from_unixtime(#{requstDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 송신(요청) 일시 */
, requst_dt = from_unixtime(#{requstDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 송신(요청) 일시 */
, inqire_dt = from_unixtime(#{inqireDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 수신(조회) 일시 */
, inqire_dt = from_unixtime(#{inqireDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 수신(조회) 일시 */
, readng_dt = from_unixtime(#{readngDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 최초열람일시 */
, readng_dt = from_unixtime(#{readngDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 최초열람일시 */
, error_cn = #{errorCn}
, error_cn = #{errorCn}
, updt_dt = now()
, updt_dt = now()
, updusr = 'batch'
, updusr = 'batch'
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekmd.unity_sndng_detail_id
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekmd.unity_sndng_detail_id
FROM tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
FROM tb_ens_kakao_my_doc tekmd
WHERE tekmd.document_binder_uuid = #{documentBinderUuid})
WHERE tekmd.document_binder_uuid = #{docKeyId})
<update id="updateCntcSndngResultByKkotalk">
/** ens-mysql-mapper|updateCntcSndngResultByKkotalk-카카오톡 연계발송결과반영|jhseo */
UPDATE tb_cntc_sndng_result
SET sndng_result_sttus = #{sndngResultSttus}
, requst_dt = DATE_FORMAT(#{requstDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 송신(요청) 일시 */
, inqire_dt = DATE_FORMAT(#{inqireDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 수신(조회) 일시 */
, readng_dt = DATE_FORMAT(#{readngDt}, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') /* 최초열람일시 */
, error_cn = #{errorCn}
, updt_dt = now()
, updusr = 'batch'
WHERE unity_sndng_detail_id = (SELECT tekd.unity_sndng_detail_id
FROM tb_ens_kakao_d10 tekd
WHERE tekd.envelope_id = #{docKeyId})
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================================================== -->
<!-- ================================ result ============================================= -->
<!-- ================================ result ============================================= -->